Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our New Light Box

So the whole reason behind this blogging adventure is this,

And no it is not merely a box with wires coming out of it... It is the best thing that has happened to L and I since well since she was born. Maybe a little exaggerated but Hey! we're really excited about this.

For those of you who might not know what this is, it is a Light Box! It does seem too simple of a thing to actually be this excited over but I promise it really is that great!

If your wondering what it is we do with this thing that we have fallen so in love with.

Take a peak...

and some more light box fun...
(Ours just so happens to fit perfectly over our Ikea LATT table!)

For those of you who might be wondering how it was constructed or maybe you'd like one for yourself and your little one (and I do include you in that because trust me you will have just as much fun as they will!) here is a quick breakdown.

I actually didn't build this, would have loved to, have all the drawings to prove it and none of the skills. A co-worker of mine built it and gave it to us. Thank God he has such a kind heart and great skills as well.

It is basically constructed from:
an 18in x 24in frosted acrylic sheet (plexiglass)
1 x 4 pieces of wood
3 round under cabinet lights (we're changing ours to strips because the round lights are too focused and don't distribute the light evenly.) Here's what we'll be using instead.
If your interested in the step by step process please comment and I'll be happy to answer.

If you'd like other DIY Light Box Ideas here are some links:
This is a great link at Modern Parents Messy Kids.
These are mini ones.
And this one is made from a tupper ware box.

We'll be posting some of the other fun things we plan to do with our new toy in the next coming weeks!

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